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Twisted Circle

The Original Circle

The Original Circle is a community of souls willing to go deeper with me in my healing journey, share intimate aspects of my spiritual quest that I don't usually share publicly, and work closest with me for the highest good of all. 

During my multiphased awakening journey, which includes my healing process, my interdimensional contacts, my personal activations during specific energy portals activations, my downloaded information as a claircognizant, my twin flame experience, my personal scientific and scholarly research, my conscious parenting practices, my self-care techniques, my union within progress, my astrological and energy reports, my quest to understand the truth about our cosmic origins as a species, my fascination with ancient civilizations and primordial human and planetary history, and my commitment to fulfill my Mission as a Light Leader by bridging the science and the art of consciousness - oh yeah, multidimensionality can look pretty multilayered in the physical realm - many of my experiences or the information that is given to me through higher guidance is not always to be shared massively, due to the gravity and significance of it. 


They are only meant to be shared with souls that have reached a higher state of consciousness so that they can hold the frequency of the quantum data that will come to their awareness. So that they can respect the intimate aspects of my ascension path, and honor my confessions. 


This is why I was guided to found a community of high-vibrational beings, The Original Circle, a targeted circle within the expanded circle of the New Era community, where I can guide souls even deeper and higher in my spiritual journey in this incarnation. 




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The Original Circle benefits

This is a special access portal that includes:


- a private community of highly vibrating beings

- a private Facebook group 

- a private Telegram channel

- a private online session once a month

- a private Q&A session once a month

- material, articles, guided downloaded information, intimate thoughts, concerns, etc that I just cannot share in public

- special group projects upon guidance about highly vibrational activations that require souls that already vibrate at a higher frequency than the average

- early access to courses, workshops, lectures, special offers, etc.

- 20% discount on one of my readings or Quantum Thinking Programs. 




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The Original Circle requirements

The only requirement needed for you to join my Original Circle is purely energetic.  You must have already achieved a higher state of consciousness, high enough so that I can feel the resonance. As always, there has to be a highly frequential match.  



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The Original Circle Investment

Join now this unique space of my journey for a whole year

-a single payment of 4998 Euros OR

-3 payments of 2000 Euros

Looking forward to connecting higher with you!

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